
--- Sampling methods
-- Demonstrations of various methods for sampling from a pattern.
-- 1. pattern.random generates white noise, it's fast and irreguarly distributed.
-- 2. Lloyd's algorithm when a specific number of uniform samples are desired.
-- 3. Mitchell's algorithm is a good (fast) approximation of (2).
-- 3. Poisson-disc when a minimum separation between samples is the only requirement.

local cell          = require('forma.cell')
local subpattern    = require('forma.subpattern')
local primitives    = require('forma.primitives')

-- Domain and seed
local measure = cell.chebyshev
local domain   = primitives.square(80,20)

-- Random samples, uncomment these turn by turn to see the differences
local random  = subpattern.poisson_disc(domain, measure, 4)
--local random  = subpattern.mitchell_sample(domain, measure, 100, 100)
--local random   = subpattern.random(domain, 40)
--local _, random = subpattern.voronoi_relax(random, domain, measure)

subpattern.print_patterns(domain, {random}, {'#'})
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2020-04-10 11:51:34